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879 4th Ave, Wonderboom South, Pretoria

Germination Mix


A specially blended mix with added fertilizer to boost and germinate your vegetables and annual seeds.



Total Price (incl Tax): R 105


Directions for use

Application: Ideal for geminating most annual, perennial monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant seeds. The germination mix is manufactured from carefully selected raw materials and is at the ideal pH for germinating most seeds. A starter charge of fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphates and potassium has been added to our germination mix at a concentration to not inhibit seed germination.

Application Frequency: Appy Germination mix as required.

Application Rate:

For filling germination trays:

  1. Use Germination mix only.
  2. Use germination trays with drainage holes.
  3. Add enough Germination mix to make sure that seeds are at the correct level and approximately 10mm from the top of the tray.
  4. According to the instructions on the reverse side of the seed packet, sow the seeds in the germination tray.
  5. Cover the seeds with the correct amount of germination mix as described on the reverse side of the seed packet.
  6. Water or drench thoroughly to ensure that seeds are set in the germination mix.
  7. Once the seeds have germinated and reached the 4-leaf stage, fertigate with Culterra Multisol N, P or K as required.

Additional information



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